Wisdom and compassion in action

Ultimately, the Buddhist teachings are directed towards the goal of enlightenment, but they are actually very practical and totally applicable to everything we do and to every situation in our lives.

How do we put the practice and teachings on meditation, mindfulness and awareness into action? Once we’ve generated bodhicitta for all sentient beings, how can we apply it in practical terms?  How do interdependence and impermanence manifest in our work?  How can we work together efficiently and care for each other at the same time? It is one thing to be able to apply the teachings in the practice itself yet entirely another to apply them in daily life, let alone recognize and overcome the habits, patterns and obscurations of our ordinary mind that block us from realizing our true nature.

Video Teachings

Downloadable video mp4
Video 01

Introduction: The real meaning of integration

Kirchheim, 6 January 2001; Myall Lakes, 21 January 2004; London, 21 April 2001; Clear Lake, 2 December 2004; Myall Lakes, 20 January 2004, Lerab Ling, 29 August 2003.

Video 02

The Three Principles of Shamatha

Clear Lake, 27 November 2004; Myall Lakes, January 2004.

Video 03

Applying the Three Principles of Shamatha to Action

Clear Lake, 27 November 2004; London, 21 November 2004; Paris, 24 November 2004

Video 04

The Actual Points of Instruction

Myall Lakes, 20 January 2004; Lerab Ling, 20 August 2004; London, 24 November 2002; Myall Lakes, 20 January 2004; London, 21 November 2004

Video 05

Visualize, don’t Conceptualize

Lerab Ling, 4 August 2002; Myall Lakes, 20 January 2004; Haileybury, 17 April 2003.

Video 06


Haileybury, 17 April 2003; Clear Lake, 27 November 2004; London, 21 November 2004; Lerab Ling, 12 July 2003.

Video 07

Working Together and Caring for Each Other

Myall Lakes, 20 January 2004; London, 21 November 2004; Paris, 4 May 2002.

Video 08


London, 21 November 2004; Lerab Ling, 30 June 2003; Myall Lakes, 21 January 2004.

Video 09

Habit is the Carrier of Karma.

Connecticut College, 26 June 2013.

Video 10

Discipline is an Antidote to Habit

Myall Lakes, 18 January 2015.

Video 11

Have a book of Insights

Myall Lakes, 18 January 2016.

Video 12

Change the way you think

Dzogchen Beara, 22 June 2008.